I'm a Mormon.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Domestic Inspiration!

I love Spring Break (well, any break is great)!  One of the reasons I love it so much is that it gives me an opportunity to do things I am usually too tired to do and enjoy like cooking, cleaning, decorating, journal writing, organizing, grocery shopping, planning meals, etc.  I feel good when I get into that domestic zone!  Some people take no joy in working around the home.  I can understand that.  After a long day of teaching, shuttling kids around, sports activities, hula practice, appointments, homework, etc. I am not always in the mood to cook and clean!  But as I change my attitude and really think about what I am doing, I realize that I am serving my family.  Don't get me wrong, my kids have chores and my sweetheart helps immensely around the house, but recently I decided that I should and could do more.  Adding a smile to my work and an attitude of gratitude for the opportunity to be a wife and mother has made the load easier to carry!  Here's a few quotes that help me find joy when I need it most:

No earthly accomplishments can compensate for failure in the home.
~President David O. McKay

The greatest work you will ever do is within the walls of your home.
~President Harold B. Lee

Today I made homemade Portuguese Sausage Pizza for lunch.  Reminded me of lunches my Mom would make for us when I was a kid.  It was a big hit, the kids loved it!!!  Here's a picture and the recipe for you to enjoy!

Homemade Portuguese Sausage Pizza
6 English Muffins (cut in half)
1 - 5 oz. Portuguese Sausage
2 cups mixed shredded cheddar cheese
2 cups mayonnaise

Lay English Muffins on a cookie sheet (12 total).  Mix shredded cheese and mayonnaise.  Fry sausage in a small pan until golden brown.  Spread cheese & mayo mix evenly on each muffin (about 2 tablespoons).  Add    
4-5 sausages to each muffin.  Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or until cheese melts.  Let cool and serve!

For dinner I made corn chowder- my Mommy's yummy recipe (I'll post that one later)!  House was cleaned, lunch done, dishes washed and dinner on the stove by 2:00 pm!  It makes me feel good that I can go to my night job knowing my family is taken care of - clean house + food ready to eat + fridge full = HAPPY KAWA'AS!

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